What We Do

About X-HaloChem

Introducing X-HaloChem, a rising star in the B2B, B2C, and B2G realm, dedicated to revolutionizing the smart coatings and specialty chemicals industry. Our adept team has spearheaded the creation of the cutting-edge HaloXCoat TM family of monomers, renowned for their exceptional effectiveness and unique 'stimulus-responsive' properties. These innovative monomers seamlessly integrate into a diverse range of coating resins, including acrylics, epoxies, and polyurethanes.

As your trusted innovation partner, we prioritize scientific excellence and comprehensive intellectual property protection. This ensures that our groundbreaking discoveries are not only commercially viable but also primed for licensing or large-scale manufacturing. With an unrivaled depth of expertise in our product chemistries and their myriad applications, the X-HaloChem team is a global authority in the field, committed to driving advancements and delivering tangible results.